Saturday, 29 March 2014
I'm making this post on the basis that it should go to all my social media outlets using a mixture of plugins + smoke and mirrors. I've pretty much cracked it all but for Google+ - Now, Google + does not play nice with very much else at all. It's a shame where Google have taken this social network as I thought it had great promise. I would like my postings to go to Google+ as there are people there that I like to connect with. However, I do not like Google+. Firstly the content is scrunched up into little boxes in the center of the screen. Then there's the fact that Google are trying to channel people into using the network the way Google wants rather than how the people want. This probably goes for all the social networks and it's a trade off between the benefits and fun we can extract from these tools offset against the annoyance they cause us with constant changes.

Steve T
Friday, 28 March 2014
I think it's time to overhaul my website. I quite like the Wordpress skin I'm using but it has some odd anomalies. Perhaps it's time to use a more modern and updated template. I think what I'll do is create a mirror site and copy the content. Once I'm happy I'll port the skin over. I want to retain some of the retro stuff and many of the quirks are lost in the mists of time.

Steve T